Sago Palms are elegant, slow growing palms. They are clean with attractive dark green leaves....

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Salvia, Mexican
A perfect addition to your butterfly or flower garden. Their purple velvety flowers attract bees and butterflies in abundance when...
Salvia, Purple
This Salvia shows off its rich purple flowers all year long and is excellent for a butterfly garden. Hummingbirds also...
Sanchezia is an interesting and attractive choice for a shrub border or hedge. It has a very tropical look and...
Sand Cordgrass
One of the Florida Native Cordgrass, these grow beautifully in clumps around swamps and to fill up empty spaces. Primarily...
Sand Live Oak
Having similar characteristics to the ' Virginia Live Oak', this Florida Native doesn't grow as big and it can tolerate...
Sapodilla is a slow growing tree. The fruiting season is from December to October. The fruit itself is a delicious,...
Satin Leaf
A Florida Native tree, Satin Leaf is a great shade tree with exquisite color. The upper side of the leaves...
Saw Palmetto, Silver
Saw Palmetto is a native palm to Florida that stays low and shrubby. This is the silver variety. They are...
Scale Leaf Aster
Scale Leaf Aster is a Florida native that can be added to landscapes to create a beautiful wildflower look with...
Scorpion Tail
This Florida Native is truly a must have for every butterfly garden! The flowers look kind of like a scorpion's...
Scrub Palmetto
Sabal Etonia is a beautiful Florida native with white flowers which pollinators love and blue/black fruits which attract birds. It...
Sea Grape
A Florida native, Sea Grape is an ornamental tree with broad, rounded leaves. They are salt and wind tolerant and...
Sea Oxeye Daisy, Silver
Silver Sea Oxeye Daisy is a Florida native with yellow flowers and silvery-blue leaves. It is drought tolerant, very salt...
A succulent ground cover that likes to spread out in a circular shape. Sedum also produces yellow flowers that bloom...
Serissa is great for a small, compact hedge. They are low maintenance and are also often used as a bonsai...
Shortleaf Wild Coffee
Shortleaf Wild Coffee is a Florida native, related to the more common Wild Coffee but with less of a shiny...
Shrub Thoroughwort
Listed as endangered by the state of Florida, this Florida Native is primarily used for habitat restorations and natural landscapes...
Shumard Oak
A fast growing Florida Native shade tree that loves moist soils but can stand short periods of drought once established....
Silk Grass
Also known as Narrow-leaf Silkgrass, this Florida Native Wildflower has beautiful daisy-like flowers that emerge year round and in abundance...
Silver Buttonwood
Silver Buttonwood is a native tree to Florida that has extremely attractive silver foliage. These trees are drought and salt...
Silver Thicket Cactus
Its silver-green leaf-less branches are sure to catch ones eye, the Silver Thicket Cactus is a plant to be curious...
Simmonds Aster
Simmonds Aster is a beautiful Florida native with an outspread, branching habit and purple to lavender flowers. Simmonds Aster tolerates...
Sky Vine
Sky Vine produces a brilliant flower that is a light blue. The vine grows thick and quickly with elongated heart...
Slash Pine, South Florida
This Slash Pine is native to South Florida. It can adapt to dry conditions and is also commonly seen growing...
Smooth Beggarticks
Smooth Beggarticks is a beautiful Florida native that is noted for its showy yellow flowers. It adds a pop of...
Snake Plant
Easy to grow in full shade or in the house. This plant will spread out and fill in an area....
Snake Plant, Boncel Starfish
This unique snake plant has tubular leaves that grow in an outward spiral habit to create a beautiful fan shape...
Snow Squarestem
Also known as 'Salt and Pepper' for its white flowers with black centers, this Florida Native ground cover is perfect...
Similar flower and berry appearance as that of the 'Pineland Snowberry', they grow under the same conditions only this variety...