Golden Barrel is an easy to grow and very slow growing cactus with beautiful golden almost curved spikes that grow...
House Plants

We deliver to Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties
Great indoor plant that stays small and compact with colorful foliage. No need to worry about your pets as they...
Cat Palm
The Cat Palm is a great small palm. It is a clumping palm that only gets to about 6 feet...
Colocasia 'Nancy's Revenge'
While growing, the middle of each leaf starts turning white at the veins almost looking like a very large version...
Colorama Dracaena
This dracaena variety has beautiful pink variegation. Easily kept at any height. Great for shady areas as well.
Croton, Excelente
A new variety of croton with leaves sort of looking like turkey feet. They show off their brightest orange, yellow...
Croton, Magnificent
The Magnificent Croton is the newest variety! With broad leaves and splashes of color, this croton is a low maintenance...
Croton, Mammy
This variety of croton is slow growing with lots of colors. The leaf is naturally twisted giving off more color...