Aglaonema is a beautiful ornamental plant with variegated leaves. They are slow growers and pest resistant. Aglaonema can be used...
House Plants

We deliver to Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties
The Anthurium gives extraordinary color in low light situations. They are maintenance free and everblooming. Anthuriums can be an excellent...
Aralia Parsley Bush
Aralia Parsley Bush is a beautiful specimen that displays finely divided, lace-like leaves in shades of green and white. It...
Bamboo Palm
Bamboo Palm is a great house plant as it requires little to no maintenance. Bamboo-like stalks gives this plants its...
Bolero Ti
The Bolero Ti is a full plant with broad leaves. These leaves have pink edges, providing unique color. They can...
Cactus, Golden Barrel
Golden Barrel is an easy to grow and very slow growing cactus with beautiful golden almost curved spikes that grow...
Great indoor plant that stays small and compact with colorful foliage. No need to worry about your pets as they...
Cat Palm
The Cat Palm is a great small palm. It is a clumping palm that only gets to about 6 feet...
Colocasia 'Nancy's Revenge'
While growing, the middle of each leaf starts turning white at the veins almost looking like a very large version...
Colorama Dracaena
This dracaena variety has beautiful pink variegation. Easily kept at any height. Great for shady areas as well.
Croton, Excelente
A new variety of croton with leaves sort of looking like turkey feet. They show off their brightest orange, yellow...
Croton, Magnificent
The Magnificent Croton is the newest variety! With broad leaves and splashes of color, this croton is a low maintenance...
Croton, Mammy
This variety of croton is slow growing with lots of colors. The leaf is naturally twisted giving off more color...
Dracaena Arborea
Dracaena Arborea is a slow-growing, tropical evergreen tree with long dark green leaves. It’s a very attractive houseplant and looks...
Dracaena Marley
Dracaena Marley is a lovely houseplant with stunning green and yellow variegated leaves. This low maintenance plant prefers bright indirect-low...
Dragon Tongue
Dragon's Tongue, also known as Waffle Plant, is a hardy ground cover with dark purple leaves and small white flowers....
Ficus Alii
Ficus Alli Trees are very attractive houseplants with nice looking foliage. They are easy to keep and provide a touch...
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most popular indoor plants, adored for its large and impressive leaves. They are...
Kiwi Bush Dracaena
This Dracaena variety has beautiful contrasting green-golden yellow variegation and stunning streaks of pink. It is easily kept at any...
Lady Palm
This elegant, slow growing palm is perfect for any indoor or shady area. Easy to grow as it requires very...
Majesty Palm
The Majesty Palm is a beautiful, slow growing, dark green palm best suited for an indoor climate or an area...
Money Tree
Money trees are excellent indoors and also outdoors in full shade. Their trunks are usually braided and their glossy leaves...
Philodendron, Burle Marx
The 'Burle Marx' Philodendron is a beautiful tropical plant that can be grown indoors or out. Used as a...
Pothos Vine
A great foliage vine for indoors or outdoors. Grows much larger outdoors.
#1 - Marble Queen
#2 - Golden
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Red Maranta
Red Maranta, also known as "Red-veined Prayer Plant", the name coming from the way in which it folds its leaves...
Red Sister Ti
Red Sister is a popular South Florida plant. While it can take both sun and shade, it also provides color...
Rojo Congo Philodendron
The tropical leaves of the 'Rojo Congo' Philodendron are large and colorful. The burgundy and green tones add flare to...
Snake Plant
Easy to grow in full shade or in the house. This plant will spread out and fill in an area....
Snake Plant, Boncel Starfish
This unique snake plant has tubular leaves that grow in an outward spiral habit to create a beautiful fan shape...
Song of India
Song of India is a great outdoor plant or indoor plant. It retains its color wherever it is placed. Grows...