The Malay Apple is a pear shaped fruit with a slightly sweet and refreshing taste. It has a single seed...
Fruit Trees And Edibles

We deliver to Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties
Mamey fruit has the flavor and texture of sweet potato and is best served as a milkshake or eaten fresh.
Mallika is a "condo mango" from India. It has superb flavor, is disease resistant, and is a smaller tree but...
Mint, Apple
Apple Mint is great for making mint tea! It can also be used in salads, as garnish, or to flavor...
Mint, Mojito
This mint is the only way to make an authentic Mojito! It is also great for cooking in any recipe...
Miracle Fruit
When eaten, Miracle Fruit inhibits the perception of sour taste, making sour foods taste sweet. This interesting fruit can be...
Monstera is often known for its ornamental value as a vine but offers even more with its delicious fruit! It...
Moringa is renowned as a super-food for its nutritional value. Bursting with Vitamin C, Vitamin A, calcium, potassium and protein,...
Mulberry 'Everbearing'
Mulberries are a sweet and plentiful fruit. They are excellent eaten right out of hand, but they are often used...