Tricolor Rhoeo has stiff leaves that have pink, white, and green leaves that grow in clumps. Low maintenance plant that...

We deliver to Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties
River Rock, Medium
White,tan, and round stones that are great to use in your landscape beds, for a rock garden, or to put...
Rocky Mountain Rose Edging
Stop using the ordinary cookie-cut concrete edging and make a statement in your yard with natural stone edging. These red...
Rocky Mountain Rose Flagstone
A solid red colored flagstone. Makes a colorful pathway or patio....
Rojo Congo Philodendron
The tropical leaves of the 'Rojo Congo' Philodendron are large and colorful. The burgundy and green tones add flare to...
Rose Bush, 'Belinda's Dream'
The 'Belinda's Dream' Rose bush has a large pink flower with a divine scent. It is one of the roses...
Rose, Miniature
Miniature Roses are a beautiful way to add color and elegance to your garden. Compact and bushy growers, these Miniature...
Rosemary is a popular cooking herb. It forms a small bush and thrives year after year. The leaves of the...
Rouge Plant
This drought tolerant Florida Native is easily grown in sun or shade. Their bright red berries provide a source of...
Round Up: Weed & Grass Killer III (1 GAL)
With FastAct technology, it kills a wide variety of weed and grasses. Rainproof 10 minutes after application and may have...
Round Up: Weed & Grass Killer III (1 PT)
Kills wide variety of weed and grasses. Rainproof 10 minutes after application and may have visible results 3 hours after...
Royal Poinciana
Royal Poinciana trees bloom in the spring and summer, exploding in bright color. The blossoms themselves are strikingly pretty with...
Rubber Mulch, Black
Rubber Mulch is a permanent solutions to your mulching needs. Made up of recycled tires and sprayed with the same...
Rubber Mulch, Blue
Rubber Mulch is a permanent solutions to your mulching needs. Made up of recycled tires and sprayed with the same...
Rubber Mulch, Mocha
Rubber Mulch is a permanent solutions to your mulching needs. Made up of recycled tires and sprayed with the same...
Rubber Mulch, Red
Rubber Mulch is a permanent solutions to your mulching needs. Made up of recycled tires and sprayed with the same...
Ruda or Rue has a variety of uses. It is primarily known for its medicinal or herbal properties. Its distinct...
Russell Avocado
Russell is easily recognized by its gourd-like shape. Its smooth and buttery flavor makes it one of Florida's most popular...
Rusty Staggerbush
A Florida Native evergreen that flowers during the spring. Their white, bell shaped, slightly fragrant flower clusters attract bees, butterflies...
Sago Palm
Sago Palms are elegant, slow growing palms. They are clean with attractive dark green leaves....
Salvia, Mexican
A perfect addition to your butterfly or flower garden. Their purple velvety flowers attract bees and butterflies in abundance when...
Salvia, Purple
This Salvia shows off its rich purple flowers all year long and is excellent for a butterfly garden. Hummingbirds also...
Sanchezia is an interesting and attractive choice for a shrub border or hedge. It has a very tropical look and...
Sand Cordgrass
One of the Florida Native Cordgrass, these grow beautifully in clumps around swamps and to fill up empty spaces. Primarily...
Sand Live Oak
Having similar characteristics to the ' Virginia Live Oak', this Florida Native doesn't grow as big and it can tolerate...
Sapodilla is a slow growing tree. The fruiting season is from December to October. The fruit itself is a delicious,...
Satin Leaf
A Florida Native tree, Satin Leaf is a great shade tree with exquisite color. The upper side of the leaves...
Saw Palmetto, Silver
Saw Palmetto is a native palm to Florida that stays low and shrubby. This is the silver variety. They are...
Scale Leaf Aster
Scale Leaf Aster is a Florida native that can be added to landscapes to create a beautiful wildflower look with...
Scorpion Tail
This Florida Native is truly a must have for every butterfly garden! The flowers look kind of like a scorpion's...