Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass is a Florida native that helps to enhance a more natural feel to your landscape....
Native Plants
We deliver to Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties
Fiddlewood is native to Florida and can be grown as a shrub or a small tree. It is a pretty...
Firebush is a Florida native and has unique yellow and orange flowers. This shrub is an excellent nectar source for butterflies...
Florida Boxwood
Florida Boxwood is a slow growing, drought tolerant Florida native with yellow and green flower clusters. It can be grown...
Florida Elm
This beautiful Florida native is an upright, shade tree that can live up to 150 years. Florida Elm is noted...
Florida Privet
Florida Privet is a Florida native that makes an excellent hedge. It can be pruned to be kept low or...
Florida Thatch Palm
Florida Thatch Palms are a versatile option for a small palm tree. They will grow in sun or shade, are...
Frogfruit is a fast growing groundcover with white and purple flowers. This Florida native can tolerate wet soils and attracts...
Goldenrod, Seaside
This Florida Native grow in clumps with wide, succulent looking and almost arching leaves. When in bloom, their deep yellow...
Green Buttonwood
Green Buttonwood is a native plant to Florida. Used most often in city landscaping because of its drought tolerance. Green...
Gumbo Limbo
The Gumbo Limbo tree is a wonderful shade or specimen tree. It is a Florida native and drought tolerant. The...
Holly, Eagleston
A naturally occurring Florida Native hybrid, between 2 Florida Native Holly trees (Dahoon Holly x American Holly). It has an...
Jamaica Caper
Jamaica Caper is a beautiful Florida native with showy two-toned leaves. The flowers are mostly white and are fragrant. Jamaica...
Jamaican Dogwood
Jamaican Dogwood is a large shade tree that is native to Florida. It is salt tolerant and very drought tolerant....
Joewood is a slow growing Florida native that is great for small spaces. It can also be grown as a...
Key Thatch Palm
The Key Thatch Palm is a great palm for your home. The fronds are beautiful, with a silvery underside. Being...
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Their broad leaves is what makes this Florida Native a great ground cover. Their bright yellow flowers resembles those of...
Lantana, Native
This Lantana, also known as Wild Sage or Buttonsage, is a Florida native with white flower and vivid purple berries....
Lantana, Pineland
Pineland Lantana is a gorgeous South Florida native that attracts butterflies and stays lower than the other native Lantanas. It...
This Florida Native attracts butterflies and hummingbirds with their bright purple plumes. The leaves stand in an erect and slender...
Lignum Vitae
Lignum Vitae is a small native tree that produces dark blue to purple flowers several times a year. It is...
Little Strongbark
Similar to 'Bahama Strongbark' (Bourreria succulenta) in appearance, the difference mainly remains in size as this Florida Native stays as...
Live Oak
Live Oak trees are a beautiful and classic Florida native. This large shade tree is wind resistant....
Lizard's Tail
Lizard's Tail is a lovely Florida native with green leaves and attractive white flowers that hang in a cluster. It...
Loblolly Bay Tree
Can grow into a medium sized canopy tree, This Florida Native is often mistaken for Sweetbay Magnolia. They both have...
Love Grass
Love Grass is a small Florida native with attractive blue-green foliage and wispy plumes. Once established, Love Grass is drought...
Love Grass, Purple
Purple Love Grass is a small Florida native with attractive reddish-purple wispy plumes. It is a low maintenance plant that...
Macho Fern
Macho Fern is lush and leafy. Use this plant as a fast growing groundcover for sun or shade. Also a...
Magnolia Tree, Little Gem
Little Gem is a dwarf Magnolia with leathery green and brown leaves that produces a large, fragrant, and white flower....
Mahogany trees are Florida natives that provide great shade and are used as street trees. The Mahogany is typically acceptable...