Bahama Strongbark is a drought tolerant tree that is native to the Florida Keys. It is considered a small tree...
Large Trees

We deliver to Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties
Bald Cypress
Bald Cypress are deciduous trees meaning they lose their leaves in the Winter and regrow them in Spring. These trees...
Black Ironwood
Black Ironwood is a beautiful small-medium sized tree. It is low maintenance and known for its resilience. It thrives in...
Florida Elm
This beautiful Florida native is an upright, shade tree that can live up to 150 years. Florida Elm is noted...
Green Buttonwood
Green Buttonwood is a native plant to Florida. Used most often in city landscaping because of its drought tolerance. Green...
Gumbo Limbo
The Gumbo Limbo tree is a wonderful shade or specimen tree. It is a Florida native and drought tolerant. The...
Jamaican Dogwood
Jamaican Dogwood is a large shade tree that is native to Florida. It is salt tolerant and very drought tolerant....
Japanese Blueberry
The Japanese Blueberry is a unique ornamental tree. It is a rare tree that requires no maintenance and has a...
Live Oak
Live Oak trees are a beautiful and classic Florida native. This large shade tree is wind resistant....
Longleaf Pine
A fast growing Florida Native evergreen that provides food and cover for wildlife including the now-endangered Red Cockaded woodpecker. They...
Mahogany trees are Florida natives that provide great shade and are used as street trees. The Mahogany is typically acceptable...
Michelia Alba
Michelia trees are best known for the incredible fragrance of their flowers. They produce many flowers and do so for...
Myrtle Oak
Often grown as a small tree or large shrub, This Florida Native is highly drought tolerant once established. It is...
Paradise Tree
Paradise Tree is a very pretty Florida native shade tree with round, shiny leaves. The new growth has a reddish...
Pond Cypress
Pond Cypress is a Florida Native shade tree. It can tolerate wet soils and even standing water. This makes it...
Red Bay Tree
Red bay trees are a great Florida native shade tree. They are tolerant of dry soils once established. They provide...
Red Maple
This Red Maple is a Florida native. The leaves turn a nice, bright red in the fall. Red Maple is...
Royal Poinciana
Royal Poinciana trees bloom in the spring and summer, exploding in bright color. The blossoms themselves are strikingly pretty with...
Sand Live Oak
Having similar characteristics to the ' Virginia Live Oak', this Florida Native doesn't grow as big and it can tolerate...
Satin Leaf
A Florida Native tree, Satin Leaf is a great shade tree with exquisite color. The upper side of the leaves...
Sea Grape
A Florida native, Sea Grape is an ornamental tree with broad, rounded leaves. They are salt and wind tolerant and...
Shumard Oak
A fast growing Florida Native shade tree that loves moist soils but can stand short periods of drought once established....
Slash Pine, South Florida
This Slash Pine is native to South Florida. It can adapt to dry conditions and is also commonly seen growing...
Southern Red Cedar
Southern Red Cedar is a Florida Native that is very hardy. It is drought and salt tolerant and is a...
Grown to be a beautiful large shade tree and often mistaken as the Red Maple due to its leaves having...
Teddy Bear Palm
A medium-sized palm with a single, clean, white, waxy trunk. The crown of the palm is covered in dense reddish-brown...
Water Hickory
As its name implies, this Florida native deciduous tree grows best in wet areas such as ponds, rivers and lakes....
Water Oak
A very fast growing Florida Native tree that provides a significant amount of shade. Like all other Oak trees, this...
West Indian Cherry
This Florida Native tree has been listed as threatened by the State of Florida. It is a fast growing tree...
Ylang Ylang
Ylang Ylang trees produce flowers with an incredibly sweet fragrance. It is said to be the key ingredient in the...