Allamanda is a thick bush that can be formed into a nice hedge or used as an accent plant. It...

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Allamanda Bush, Dwarf
This is the Dwarf variety of the Allamanda Bush that blooms from May to November. It is great for trimming...
Areca Palm
The Areca Palm is a fast growing and very thick palm from the bottom to the top. It is mostly...
Bahama Coffee
Also known as Bahama Wild Coffee, this beautiful small plant can be used as an accent or a low hedge....
Bougainvillea Bush
Bougainvillea is a hardy perennial that comes in many colors, flowers throughout the year, and is great for dry sunny...
Bougainvillea Trellis
Bougainvillea is a beautiful tropical plant that has an abundance of flowers that come in a variety of colors. It...
Cape Honeysuckle
Cape Honeysuckle is a sprawling shrub that produces clusters of brilliant flowers that bloom mostly in the Fall and Winter....
Cat Palm
The Cat Palm is a great small palm. It is a clumping palm that only gets to about 6 feet...
Cherry Hedge
This is a popular hedge used in landscapes. It gets very thick and you can maintain it at any height....
Clusia, Dwarf
Dwarf Clusia is a small, slow growing shrub. It is salt tolerant and requires low maintenance. They offer an easy...
Clusia, Small Leaf
The Small Leaf Clusia, also known as Pitch Apple, can be used as a hedge or a screen plant. They...
Cocoplum is a one of the most common hedges in South Florida. It doesn’t grow fast so trimming is minimal...
Cocoplum, Horizontalis
Horizontal Cocoplum has a low growing, arching habit and gets edible yellow fruit. It is slow growing and is most...
Copperleaf is a popular shrub that provides many colors to a landscape. The leaves are a mixed copper-red, pink, and...
Crossandra will not cease to amaze! Covered in bright flowers, this tropical plant can withstand high heat and humidity. Crossandra...
Croton, 'AFD-5'
This croton has a simple, semi-oak leaf with dramatic colors all year round. It is very low maintenance and is...
Croton, Excelente
A new variety of croton with leaves sort of looking like turkey feet. They show off their brightest orange, yellow...
Croton, Gold Dust
Gold Dust Croton adds a nice touch of color with its gold-freckled leaves. A rather slow growing plant, it will...
Croton, Jamaican
This dark-toned croton is great for adding a little bit of darker color into a green landscape. Also can be...
Croton, Mango
The 'Mango' Croton has lots of bright color all year round and not a lot of maintenance!...
Croton, Picasso's Paintbrush
This beautiful and very unique croton has thin leaves that are very colorful. It is very low maintenance and is...
Firebush, Dwarf
The Dwarf Firebush stays smaller than the regular variety, with hundreds of yellow and orange flowers. It blooms all year...
Firebush, Firefly
A hybrid of the Florida Native Firebush (Hamelia patens), this variety has even smaller leaves than the dwarf variety and...
Florida Privet
Florida Privet is a Florida native that makes an excellent hedge. It can be pruned to be kept low or...
Gold Capella
Gold Capella is a thick hedge which is easily maintainable. It grows bigger than the Trinette with a little bit...
Gold Mound
Gold Mound is a popular plant that is usually kept small and trimmed into a mini hedge. Its golden color...
Green Island Ficus
Green Island Ficus is a terrific choice for a dense low hedge. It has deep green and glossy leaves, and forms...
Green Schefflera
Green Schefflera is a thick, lush and fast growing hedge. It is great for a privacy hedge, is easy to...
Hibiscus is a beautiful flowering shrub that can add lush color to your garden. They have shiny, dark green leaves...
Ilex Schilling
A great choice for a small hedge or border plant. They maintain a rounded shape that gives off the impression...