The Key Lime is valued for its unique flavor compared to other limes. It is best known as the flavoring...
3 Gallon Pot

We deliver to Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties
Lime, Persian
Persian Limes fruit year round, with a less acidic taste than Key Limes. They are very juicy and have thin,...
Liriope, Green
Liriope is an excellent, easy groundcover. It fills up space and doesn\'t get large. The long, green leaves bush out...
Loblolly Bay Tree
Can grow into a medium sized canopy tree, This Florida Native is often mistaken for Sweetbay Magnolia. They both have...
Longan, Kohala
A cousin of the lychee, the longan is very popular in its own right. Fruits are usually about the size...
Lychee, Brewster
Brewster Lychees are large, deep red and delicious. Fruit typically ripens May through July....
Lychee, Mauritius
The Mauritius Lychee is a regular and heavy producer with delicious, sweet fruit. Fruit typically ripens May through July.
Lychee, Sweetheart
The Sweetheart Lychee is one of the most popular and sought-after varieties. Sweetheart Lychees are larger fruits with small seeds...
Macho Fern
Macho Fern is lush and leafy. Use this plant as a fast growing groundcover for sun or shade. Also a...
Madagascar Palm
This tall succulent does great in hot and dry conditions. Spines cover the trunk of the tree and flowers in...
Majesty Palm
The Majesty Palm is a beautiful, slow growing, dark green palm best suited for an indoor climate or an area...
Malay Apple
The Malay Apple is a pear shaped fruit with a slightly sweet and refreshing taste. It has a single seed...
Mallika Mango
Mallika is a "condo mango" from India. It has superb flavor, is disease resistant, and is a smaller tree but...
Man in the Ground Vine
This vine is found in the Everglades and is mostly known for being the first to grow and bloom right...
Fragrant at night when in full bloom, with flowers that are white and turn a creamy yellow as they age. ...
Mandarin Hat
Mandarin Hat can be a shrub or a climber in similar fashion to Bougainvillea, but without the the thorns! It...
Marlberry can be grown as a small tree or bush. This Florida native has fragrant white flowers which then lead...
Mexican Flame Vine
Mexican Flame Vine shows off tons of orange flowers and attracts both butterflies and hummingbirds. This vine is a great...
Miracle Fruit
When eaten, Miracle Fruit inhibits the perception of sour taste, making sour foods taste sweet. This interesting fruit can be...
Money Tree
Money trees are excellent indoors and also outdoors in full shade. Their trunks are usually braided and their glossy leaves...
Monstera is often known for its ornamental value as a vine but offers even more with its delicious fruit! It...
Moringa is renowned as a super-food for its nutritional value. Bursting with Vitamin C, Vitamin A, calcium, potassium and protein,...
Muhly Grass
Muhly Grass is a grass that shows off stunning pink plumes in the Fall. It is a Florida native and...
Mulberry 'Everbearing'
Mulberries are a sweet and plentiful fruit. They are excellent eaten right out of hand, but they are often used...
Myrsine, also known as Colicwood, is a hardy Florida native. It has attractive leaves and gets abundant black berries on...
Myrtle Oak
Often grown as a small tree or large shrub, This Florida Native is highly drought tolerant once established. It is...
Nam Doc Mai Mango
Nam Doc Mai is a premium cultivar from Thailand. The fruit is firm, sweet, aromatic and completely fiberless. It also...
Native Canna Lily
This Florida native wetland plant grows in marshes and around the edges of lakes and ponds. It is a sturdy...
Bright and showy yellow flowers with rounded, fuzzy-like leaves, are what make this Florida Native stand out. They attract many...
Norfolk Island Pine
Norfolk Island Pine is a non-flowering evergreen conifer. As a houseplant, it can grow up to 5-8 Ft. tall over...