While growing, the middle of each leaf starts turning white at the veins almost looking like a very large version...
3 Gallon Pot

We deliver to Broward, Dade, and Palm Beach Counties
Colorama Dracaena
This dracaena variety has beautiful pink variegation. Easily kept at any height. Great for shady areas as well.
Coontie Palm
The Coontie Palm is Florida's only native cycad. It resembles a small palm and offers a lush tropical look. Coonties...
Copperleaf is a popular shrub that provides many colors to a landscape. The leaves are a mixed copper-red, pink, and...
Coral Bean
Coral Bean is a hardy Florida native that shows off long, brilliantly colored flower spikes. It attracts hummingbirds with its...
Coral Honeysuckle Vine
Clusters of bright pink, trumpet-like flowers cover this Florida native vine almost year-round. This one-of-a-kind vine will give any garden...
Crossandra will not cease to amaze! Covered in bright flowers, this tropical plant can withstand high heat and humidity. Crossandra...
Croton, 'AFD-5'
This croton has a simple, semi-oak leaf with dramatic colors all year round. It is very low maintenance and is...
Croton, Excelente
A new variety of croton with leaves sort of looking like turkey feet. They show off their brightest orange, yellow...
Croton, Fantasy
The Fantasy Croton adds a splash of color to any landscape. It stays colorful all year and is a hardy...
Croton, Franklin Roosevelt
The Franklin Roosevelt Croton is full of color with splotchy patterns of red, green, orange and yellow. These offer low...
Croton, Gold Dust
Gold Dust Croton adds a nice touch of color with its gold-freckled leaves. A rather slow growing plant, it will...
Croton, Jamaican
This dark-toned croton is great for adding a little bit of darker color into a green landscape. Also can be...
Croton, Magnificent
The Magnificent Croton is the newest variety! With broad leaves and splashes of color, this croton is a low maintenance...
Croton, Mammy
This variety of croton is slow growing with lots of colors. The leaf is naturally twisted giving off more color...
Croton, Mango
The 'Mango' Croton has lots of bright color all year round and not a lot of maintenance!...
Croton, Mrs. Iceton
The Mrs. Icetone Croton is a versatile plant, growing in sun or shade. It displays colorful leaves and requires no...
Croton, Petra
This variety of croton is one of the more common types. It has broad leaves that are a combination of...
Crown of Thorn, Dwarf
Dwarf Crown of Thorn is a small, cactus-like plant that has small red flowers that bloom all year round. Great...
Desert Rose
Desert Rose is an easy to take care of kind of plant. No maintenance at all! It has beautiful, bell...
Dr. Brown Ti
Dr. Brown Ti is a popular low maintenance and easy to grow plant. It provides beautiful bright color and height...
Dracaena Marley
Dracaena Marley is a lovely houseplant with stunning green and yellow variegated leaves. This low maintenance plant prefers bright indirect-low...
Dutchmans Pipe
Dutchmans Pipe produces an eye catching and exotic flower that also attracts butterflies. The flowers grow quite large and the...
Dwarf Palmetto
Dwarf Palmetto are easy to grow palms as they can live in different types of soil and they are also...
Fakahatchee Grass
Fakahatchee Grass is an extremely easy plant to grow. It forms a round clump of grass that looks very appealing...
Fakahatchee Grass, Dwarf
Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass is a Florida native that helps to enhance a more natural feel to your landscape....
Farfugium Giganteum
Also known as Giant Leopard Plant, this plant gives life to any shady area with its beautiful glossy green leaves...
Fetterbrush is a beautiful Florida native evergreen shrub with fragrant white/pink flowers that bloom Winter to Spring. It makes a...
Ficus Alii
Ficus Alli Trees are very attractive houseplants with nice looking foliage. They are easy to keep and provide a touch...
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most popular indoor plants, adored for its large and impressive leaves. They are...