This solid green shrub can be used as a hedge or to create a tall privacy screen. Ligustrum is often...
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Live Oak
Live Oak trees are a beautiful and classic Florida native. This large shade tree is wind resistant....
Magnolia Tree, Bracken's Brown Beauty
'Bracken's Brown Beauty' Magnolia is an upright evergreen that has beautiful, two toned foliage. Magnolias are probably most favored for...
Mahogany trees are Florida natives that provide great shade and are used as street trees. The Mahogany is typically acceptable...
Mallika Mango
Mallika is a "condo mango" from India. It has superb flavor, is disease resistant, and is a smaller tree but...
Mastic Tree
The Mastic Tree is a beautiful small-medium sized, broadleaf evergreen known for its low maintenance and drought tolerance once established....
Myrtle Oak
Often grown as a small tree or large shrub, This Florida Native is highly drought tolerant once established. It is...
The Olive tree produces small fruit that can be eaten fresh or used to make olive oil. These can be...
Orange trees produce sweet fruit rich in Vitamin C. They are great eaten out of hand or used for juicing....
Orange, Sour
This Orange is the sour and bitter Orange used to make marinades and marmalade. Sour Orange can be used as...
Pigeon Plum
Pigeon Plum is a small tree that gets a dense and compact canopy. It is a Florida native with a...
Podocarpus is an excellent hedge, often used for privacy. It can be kept more narrow than other hedges and is...
Podocarpus "Flat"
Podocarpus is an excellent hedge. It has been trained to a trellis, providing beautiful privacy in any landscape. It is...
Pond Cypress
Pond Cypress is a Florida Native shade tree. It can tolerate wet soils and even standing water. This makes it...
Red Maple
This Red Maple is a Florida native. The leaves turn a nice, bright red in the fall. Red Maple is...
Royal Poinciana
Royal Poinciana trees bloom in the spring and summer, exploding in bright color. The blossoms themselves are strikingly pretty with...
Sand Live Oak
Having similar characteristics to the ' Virginia Live Oak', this Florida Native doesn't grow as big and it can tolerate...
Saw Palmetto, Silver
Saw Palmetto is a native palm to Florida that stays low and shrubby. This is the silver variety. They are...
Serissa is great for a small, compact hedge. They are low maintenance and are also often used as a bonsai...
Slash Pine, South Florida
This Slash Pine is native to South Florida. It can adapt to dry conditions and is also commonly seen growing...
Southern Red Cedar
Southern Red Cedar is a Florida Native that is very hardy. It is drought and salt tolerant and is a...
Stopper Morph
Stopper Morph is a variegated form of Simpson Stopper with its new growth being white and pink, eventually turning green....
Stopper, Simpson
Simpson's Stopper is an excellent small tree that is native to Florida. It can also be used as a nice,...
Sugarberry is a beautiful Florida native. It is a large, fast-growing, deciduous tree. The light green leaves turn bright yellow...
Grown to be a beautiful large shade tree and often mistaken as the Red Maple due to its leaves having...
Tangerine is a small tree that produces sweet, juicy fruit.
Teddy Bear Palm
A medium-sized palm with a single, clean, white, waxy trunk. The crown of the palm is covered in dense reddish-brown...
A VERY SLOW growing Florida Native can make the perfect tree in small spaces. Host plant to Giant Swallowtail and...
Traveler's Palm
The Traveler's Palm is wonderful for any tropical garden. It has banana-like leaves that are fanned, making a unique accent...
Turkey Oak
This Florida Native's tree has leaved that are deciduous but kept on with a reddish-orange color well throughout the winter....