This is a popular hedge used in landscapes. It gets very thick and you can maintain it at any height....
Partial Sun
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Christmas Palm
One of South Florida's favorite palms. The Christmas Palm gives a very tropical look with no maintenance. It gets it's...
Climbing Rose, 'Louis Philippe'
The 'Louis Philippe' climbing rose simply thrives in South Florida. It has beautiful red flowers that smell great. The 'Louis...
Clusia, Dwarf
Dwarf Clusia is a small, slow growing shrub. It is salt tolerant and requires low maintenance. They offer an easy...
Clusia, Small Leaf
The Small Leaf Clusia, also known as Pitch Apple, can be used as a hedge or a screen plant. They...
Coconut Palm
This Dwarf Malayan Coconut is a great alternative to the much larger coconuts commonly seen. These tropical palms can provide...
Cocoplum is a one of the most common hedges in South Florida. It doesn’t grow fast so trimming is minimal...
Cocoplum, Horizontalis
Horizontal Cocoplum has a low growing, arching habit and gets edible yellow fruit. It is slow growing and is most...
Many vibrant colors are available to electrify your garden such as yellows, pinks, deep purples, reds and bright green. Coleus...
Coontie Palm
The Coontie Palm is Florida's only native cycad. It resembles a small palm and offers a lush tropical look. Coonties...
Copperleaf is a popular shrub that provides many colors to a landscape. The leaves are a mixed copper-red, pink, and...
Coral Bean
Coral Bean is a hardy Florida native that shows off long, brilliantly colored flower spikes. It attracts hummingbirds with its...
Coral Honeysuckle Vine
Clusters of bright pink, trumpet-like flowers cover this Florida native vine almost year-round. This one-of-a-kind vine will give any garden...
Creeping Fig
Creeping Fig can be used as groundcover or to climb a wall. It is a low maintenance plant that creates...
Crossandra will not cease to amaze! Covered in bright flowers, this tropical plant can withstand high heat and humidity. Crossandra...
Croton, Dreadlock
The Dreadlock Croton is a great low maintenance plant. It is slow growing with colorful leaves and can be used...
Croton, Gold Dust
Gold Dust Croton adds a nice touch of color with its gold-freckled leaves. A rather slow growing plant, it will...
Croton, Jamaican
This dark-toned croton is great for adding a little bit of darker color into a green landscape. Also can be...
Croton, Magnificent
The Magnificent Croton is the newest variety! With broad leaves and splashes of color, this croton is a low maintenance...
Croton, Mammy
This variety of croton is slow growing with lots of colors. The leaf is naturally twisted giving off more color...
Cuban Oregano
Cuban Oregano is also referred to as Spanish Thyme and has many culinary uses. It is a great addition in...
Dahoon Holly
Dahoon Holly is one of the most attractive native trees for Florida. It is a small to medium sized tree...
Dracaena Arborea
Dracaena Arborea is a slow-growing, tropical evergreen tree with long dark green leaves. It’s a very attractive houseplant and looks...
Dwarf Palmetto
Dwarf Palmetto are easy to grow palms as they can live in different types of soil and they are also...
English Thyme
Thyme is one of the most popular herbs used in cooking. It adds wonderful flavor to a multitude of dishes....
Fiddle Leaf Fig
Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most popular indoor plants, adored for its large and impressive leaves. They are...
Fiddlewood is native to Florida and can be grown as a shrub or a small tree. It is a pretty...
Florida Privet
Florida Privet is a Florida native that makes an excellent hedge. It can be pruned to be kept low or...
Florida Thatch Palm
Florida Thatch Palms are a versatile option for a small palm tree. They will grow in sun or shade, are...
Fountain Grass, White
White Fountain Grass grows in a clump just like its red counterpart with pale plumes that sprout from the center....